Sunday, March 2, 2014


Recent posts and politics have triggered an incessant eye twitch and a knot in my right shoulder that pulls up my neck like a winch causing my brow to furrow. Thinking their understanding will alleviate my stress, I try to write out my complaints for those who might hear my processing on paper. But some tell me my writing is often too subtle, in other words, not straightforward enough, especially for those with concrete minds who want direct and concise explanations (also known as black and white thinking). Colors outside of, or with no lines are difficult to appreciate. To their credit, straight lines make for really good blocks and boxes. If I were to continue trying to communicate to an audience who holds to this or that way of linear (straight lined) thinking, is not my headache merely the result of banging my head against a concrete, brick wall?

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To Kill a Mockingbird Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets The Da Vinci Code 1984 Pride and Prejudice

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